Friday, May 9, 2008

We Made an IMPACT

Well, I guess it is safe to say that I have neglected this blog.  However, I am coming back.

As you can imagine, a lot has gone on in the last month.  Attendance has increased, relationships have been built and every week things seem more and more like a church.  But, probably one of the coolest things that I have been a part of in this church plant to this point it what we did last Saturday, May 3.  Nearly 100 members of our church got up early Saturday and spread mulch, planted flowers, trimmed trees, cleaned up a road, and painted to make an IMPACT on our community.  Nearly 540 collective hours were spent between the volunteers on 9 different project sites.  That would take a single individual work full time nearly 14 weeks to complete the multitude of tasks.  Praise the Lord that Northwest Community Church was able to make an impact on the Cary area.  To really get a feel for what that day was like, check out the video below.

IMPACT 2008 :: Recap from Ryan Vet on Vimeo.


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